I say 'free the elves'!!! they havn't had a break in years. if you buy this your supporting santa and his greedy wife. is this for real? i think i had more fun watching snails make babies. they should be hung like a pinyatta and beaten. who hires these guys, and most importantly, who releases this crap. I say 'free the for this reason i think game developers should have atleast 3 yrs in video game exp. This is the worst cash grab nonsense of a game and it should be burned in hell for this.Dropping $20 on the DS or Game Boy cartridge would be a complete waste on your part, as you find yourself hosed by a game promising holiday cheer and instead visiting the reindeer stalls and giving you the content.for this reason i think game developers should have atleast 3 yrs in video game exp.
WARNING: do not buy this game i repeat do not buy this game as it is a waste of space and money.…A free game and Nintendo charge people for it. this is the kind of game you may play on the internet and after one round quit and forget.

i found this in a cheap bundle of games while the others were worthwhil this made the entire deal feel like they made it cheap just to get rid of this single copy that was making the store look bad. WARNING: this is the worst game on ds and possibly the worst game ever made that was fully retailed. Que horror!!this is the worst game on ds and possibly the worst game ever made that was fully retailed. Gráficos mediocres, terrible sonido, jugabilidad pasable y solo 2 JUEGOS tiene y te lo puedes pasar en 25 minutos.

Es como si estuvieras jugando un juego flash que te puedes encontrar por internet que un juego de consola. Merry Christmas.Uno de los peores juegos del catalogo de Nintendo DS. And once that laugh is expelled, you're left two of the crappiest games ever developed on the Nintendo DS platform. It's a single-chuckle joke that's extended into a 20 dollar purchase. They're both god awful and have no right ever being pressed to a Nintendo DS cartridge. Asking me which Elf Bowling game in Elf Bowling 1 & 2 is better is like me asking you if you'd rather eat a spoonful of rat turds or hamster turds.