I suppose the lack of any coherent new forms of music may have abetted that. I can remember scratching around at the start of the year thinking that there wasn’t that much. It’s always interesting going back over the year, as the list above suggests it did have a lot of great records but it started slow. I think I would sum up the year with a word. More often than not it is a fusing of the two. Four hours of new musical deviations or some great re treads of styles that are now just classic. I won’t go over events of the year there is more than enough of that around at the moment and you have all the old missives to look at if you fancy that but a musical catch up at the end of year is always a good thing and here it is in classic Meltdown style (it’s long). We still have George Osbourne at the controls so I fear for the latter. Still I suppose after surviving the Mayan calendars end we may breath a little easier… or not. Lots of good things have gone on this year but a general heaviness seems to lurk in the air. I don’t normally think that way but it has been a funny old year and the break has been great, if only too short. After a year of battening down the hatches and working as, and when, you could people seemed to be very up for getting together and pausing for a minute away from the slog of it. It seems like only the other week I was contemplating writing one of these and got way laid by pre Christmas fun, work and shopping… I worked out what slows me down in life, and am glad for it, people… I have to say I have really enjoyed the last few weeks. Luckily for us you can download much of his selection via … see below! As an active A&R person as well as a club and radio DJ he leaves no stone unturned. Ross is a feisty, extremely perceptive south Londoner who embodies that “freedom principle” and swims daily in a sea of vinyl, cds, downloads. First up, I’m cheekily reprinting Ross’ excellent round up for 2012 because it only goes out on an email (to nuff people!) and because it is a most excellent insight into the music released last year.

OK people…I’m back from a windswept and bracingly elemental new year in north Cornwall … Having had no signal down there… yessss, off the worldwide web….